
Emily’s current writings focus on the implications of financialization and metrification for recent art practices that explore online identity and selfhood. She examines how the identification of users’ behaviours, habits, and tendencies in the age of big data – by audience measurement companies, fintech startups, credit scoring corporations, online reviewers, and investors – newly foregrounds character and reputation as speculative logics of networked personhood. 

Emily regularly contributes essays, reviews and art writing to exhibition catalogues, academic journals and magazines. Most recently, she has written for Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Paragrana, Finance and Society, Esse Magazine, E.R.O.S. (with School of the Event Horizon), Message and the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. Recent catalogue contributions include texts for Charlotte Warne Thomas, “Limitaction” (Window Space Gallery, London Metropolitan University); Burcu Yagcioglu and Ulgen Semerci, “In Fog: Icebergs and Wild Boars” (Operation Room, Istanbul); “Who Thinks The Future?” curated by Tom Trevatt (Lewisham Arthouse, London); and Rowena Harris, “P.A.R.T.S.” (Coleman Projects, London).

Writings can be found here: 


And full research profile is here:
